Below are a collection of frequently asked questions. Click on the questions to display the information provided on the topic. If you require additional information, please use one of the contact methods in the left hand column to contact the Panel.


The Panel welcomes public participation as part of its review process. You can contact the panel using any of the following methods:

Submissions and Comments Form: On this website.
P.O. Box 1301,
Saskatoon, SK, S7K 3N1
[email protected]
Toll Free: 1-877-368-7075
Saskatoon: (306) 934-1948
Social Media:
facebook twitter


What is the job of the Rate Review Panel?

Why is SaskTel not included?

Who appoints the Rate Review Panel?

How are the Panel members chosen?

How does the rate review process work?

Why is it necessary to have outside experts assigned to each rate review?

Where can I find information about reviews currently underway?

The Panel’s home page will indicate if a review is currently underway for any of the three Crowns.

How can I post a comment about a rate application that is currently underway?

Will my comment(s) be made public?

Does the Panel always recommend approval of the requested rate proposal?