Panel plans review of SaskPower’s first multi-year rate application
The Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel is finalizing plans to begin its review of the SaskPower multi- year rate application submitted to the Panel.
The application requests a system-average rate increase of 5.5% to take effect January 1, 2014, with a 5% increase effective January 1, 2015 and a further 5% increase to take effect January 1, 2016.
SaskPower has requested that the rate increase for 2014 be implemented on January 1 on an interim basis, pending the Panel’s recommendations at the conclusion of the review.
As this is the first multi-year application submitted by SaskPower in the Panel’s history, Panel Chair Kathy Weber says extensive public consultations will be part of the review process. In addition to providing the public with the ability to communicate via email, Facebook, Twitter, voice messaging, fax, postal mail and the Panel’s website, the Panel is also planning a far-reaching series of public meetings.
To date, public meetings are scheduled in Prince Albert, North Battleford, Saskatoon, Regina and Yorkton. Additional locations may be added if the need is identified. “The details are still being worked out,” Weber said, “but all methods of communicating with the Panel, including the dates, times and locations of public meetings, will be advertised.”
Information on the public meetings will be available on the Panel’s website, Facebook and Twitter sites.
The rate application and other related documents, along with updates regarding public meetings, will be posted at the Panel’s website,
The Panel also commissions a detailed technical study conducted by outside experts as part of its review process. The Panel is to deliver its report on SaskPower’s rate application to the Minister Responsible for the Crown Investments Corporation by April 28, 2014.