September 7, 2023
Panel Releases Recommendations on SaskEnergy 2023 Commodity Rate Application and Delivery Rate Financial Update
The Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel (the Panel) has completed its review of SaskEnergy’s proposed 2023 commodity rate application and its delivery rate financial update. This review is a continuation of the Panel’s process that was initiated on July 11, 2022, when SaskEnergy submitted an application to increase its commodity rate...
July 12, 2023
Panel announces public meeting on SaskEnergy rate adjustments
The Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel is hosting an in-person/virtual public meeting as part of its review of SaskEnergy’s 2023 Commodity Rate Adjustment and 2023-24 Delivery Rate Financial Update. This meeting will provide an opportunity for stakeholders and the public to make presentations and provide additional feedback on the proposed adjustments....
July 10, 2023
Panel announces review of SaskEnergy Delivery and Commodity Rate Adjustment
The Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel will review a rate adjustment from SaskEnergy that proposes to decrease its commodity rate from $4.20 to $3.30 per gigajoule and to increase its delivery service rates by an average of 5%. The combined commodity and delivery service rate adjustments will result in an overall...
January 20, 2023
Panel releases recommendation on SaskPower April 1, 2023 Rate Increase
The Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel today announced that it has recommended that SaskPower’s rate request of an average 4% increase effective April 1, 2023, be confirmed. This recommendation follows an abbreviated review process that included a review of SaskPower’s updated financial statements and material changes to its business operations as...
December 16, 2022
Panel releases recommendations on SaskEnergy 2022 Rate Application
The Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel (the Panel) has recommended that the provincial government maintain SaskEnergy’s commodity rate increase of 31% and the 8% increase in delivery rates both implemented August 1, 2022, but the proposed delivery rates increases of 5% for each of 2023-24 and 2024-25 cannot be considered until...
September 27, 2022
Panel announces public meetings on SaskEnergy application
The Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel is hosting in-person/virtual public meetings in Regina and in Saskatoon as part of its review of SaskEnergy’s 2022 Delivery and Commodity Rate Application. These meetings will provide an opportunity for stakeholders and the public to make presentations and provide additional feedback on the application. The...
July 11, 2022
Panel announces review of SaskEnergy Delivery and Commodity Rate Application
The Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel will review a rate application from SaskEnergy that proposes to increase its delivery service rates over the next three years; by an average of 8% effective August 1, 2022; 5% effective June 1, 2023; and 5% effective June 1, 2024. SaskEnergy is also applying to...
July 11, 2022
Panel releases recommendations on SaskPower 2022 and 2023 Rate Application
The Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel (the Panel) has recommended the provincial government approve SaskPower’s proposed 4% rate increase effective September 1, 2022; and a further 4% rate increase effective April 1, 2023 (pending a financial review submitted to the Panel by December 1, 2022). The Panel also approved the proposed...
March 16, 2022
Panel announces public meetings on SaskPower application
The Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel is hosting in-person/virtual public meetings in Regina and in Saskatoon as part of its review of SaskPower’s 2022 and 2023 Rate Application. These meetings will provide an opportunity for stakeholders and the public to make presentations and provide additional feedback on the application. The meetings...
February 18, 2022
Panel announces review of SaskPower 2022 and 2023 Rate Application
The Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel will review a rate application from SaskPower that proposes system average rate increases of 4% effective September 1, 2022 and 4% effective April 1, 2023. For the average residential customer, this means increases of $5/month on September 1, 2022, and $5/month on April 1, 2023....
October 20, 2021
Panel releases recommendations on Saskatchewan Auto Fund rate proposal
The Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel (the Panel) has recommended the provincial government approve a decrease in rates rather than the revenue neutral rate change originally proposed by the Saskatchewan Auto Fund (SAF) in its 2021 rate rebalancing application. SAF proposed an overall revenue-neutral (0%) rate change effective January 21, 2022,...
October 13, 2021
Panel recommends approval of SaskEnergy commodity rate
The Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel has recommended the provincial government approve SaskEnergy’s application to increase the natural gas commodity rate charged to customers effective November 1, 2021. The proposed commodity rate increase of 28.1% to 12.78 cents per cubic metre ($3.20 per Gigajoule) will eliminate the outstanding balance in the...
September 17, 2021
Panel announces general public meeting
The Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel is hosting an in-person meeting in Regina as part of its review of SaskEnergy’s Commodity Rate Application. The meeting will provide an opportunity for stakeholders and the public to make presentations and provide additional feedback on the application. The meeting will be held on: 7:00...
September 13, 2021
Panel announces review of SaskEnergy Commodity Rate Application
The Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel will review a rate application from SaskEnergy that proposes to increase the Commodity Rate by 25.8% to 12.55 cents per cubic meter ($3.15 Gigajoules). If approved, the average bill impacts for customers are as follows: The rate application and other supporting documents together with the...
August 5, 2021