
March 21, 2012

Panel recommends SaskEnergy natural gas rate reduction

The Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel is recommending a decrease in the natural gas commodity rate SaskEnergy charges its customers, effective April 1, 2012. The Panel’s recommendation is in line with SaskEnergy’s rate application submitted in February requesting a commodity rate decrease from $4.55/per gigajoule (17.25 cents per cubic metre) to...

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February 6, 2012

Panel announces review of SGI Auto Fund proposed rate adjustments

The Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel will review an application for rate adjustments to SGI’s Saskatchewan Auto Fund. The Auto Fund is the sole provider of vehicle and driver’s licensing in the province, and provides basic, universal automobile insurance coverage to all Saskatchewan residents. The Auto Fund request includes a proposed...

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October 12, 2010

Panel recommends SaskEnergy rate reduction; cautions about future increases

The Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel is recommending a decrease in the natural gas commodity rate SaskEnergy charges customers effective November 1, 2010. The Panel’s recommendation is in line with SaskEnergy’s rate application in September that requested the commodity rate decrease from $5.21/GJ (19.61 cents per cubic metre) to $4.55/GJ (17.25...

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