
The Government of Saskatchewan has appointed seven members to serve on the Panel. Their mandate is to review rate applications submitted by SaskPower, SaskEnergy and Saskatchewan Government Insurance Auto Fund, and provide the government with an objective evaluation of each rate application.

The Rate Review Process

The Minister responsible for the Crown Investments Corporation provides the Panel with instructions regarding the scope of each review. 

The Panel then posts the rate application and specific terms of reference on its web site.

Hires independent experts to assess the application and provide the Panel with technical advice.

Invites comments or submissions from customers and the public by email, letters, telephone messages, Facebook and X.

Conducts public consultation to provide information, encourage discussion and answer any questions.

Informs the public during the review process by posting documents related to the application, media releases, notices of public meetings and transcripts, the technical expert’s report and the Panel’s final report.

The Panel analyzes all of the materials received from the Crown corporation, customers, the public and its independent consultants. It prepares and submits a written report containing its observations and recommendations to the Minister responsible for the Crown Investments Corporation.

The Minister and President responsible for the particular Crown are invited to attend a presentation. The Panel's report and a media release summarizing the main elements of the report are posted on the Panel's web site.

The Minister for the Crown proposing a rate change presents the Panel’s final report, together with the Crown Corporation’s analysis of the report and recommendations, to Cabinet.

Additional Information

Confidentiality Guidelines have been developed in conjunction with the Crown corporations to provide guidance during the review process.

The Continuation of the Ministerial Advisory Committee Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel set the terms for the Panel Members and outlines their responsibilities.

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