The following information contains the Panel’s reports since its inception. The most recent reviews contain all the files and information the Panel used in reaching its recommendations. Older reviews only contain the Panel’s report. Summaries of each report are provided to assist on quickly finding information on rate revisions.

SaskEnergy 2016 Commodity and Delivery Service
The Panel recommended an overall decrease in energy bills for SaskEnergy customers. On average, residential customers would see their bills decrease by approximately $2 per month, or $28 annually. The rate changes took effect November 1, 2016.
SaskEnergy 2015 Commodity and Delivery Service Review
The Panel recommended that SaskEnergy increase the price it charges its customers for natural gas (delivery rate) by 4.5%, effective November 1, 2015. It also recommended that SaskEnergy decrease the price it charges customers for natural gas (commodity rate) to $4.296 per gigajoule (15.96 cents per cubic metre) from $4.85 per gigajoule (18.63 cents per cubic metre), also effective November 1, 2015.
SaskEnergy 2014 Conditional Delivery Service
The Panel recommended that SaskEnergy increase the price it charges its customers for natural gas (commodity rate) to $4.84 per gigajoule (18.63 cents per cubic metre), effective July 1, 2014.
SaskEnergy 2013 Distribution Delivery
The Panel recommended that SaskEnergy increase the price it charges its customers for natural gas (distribution rate) by 3.6%, effective September 1, 2013. It also recommended that SaskEnergy’s proposed 2.3% increase in the price it charges its customers for natural gas (delivery rate) effective September 1, 2014, be conditionally approved, subject to a number of conditions.
SaskEnergy 2012 Delivery Review
The Panel recommended that SaskEnergy increase the price it charges its customers for natural gas (delivery rate) by an average of 6.7%, through an increase to the Basic Monthly Charge, effective July 1, 2012.
SaskEnergy 2012 Commodity Review
The Panel recommended that SaskEnergy decrease the price it charges its customers for natural gas (commodity rate) to $3.82 per gigajoule (14.53 cents per cubic metre), effective April 1, 2012.
SaskEnergy 2010 Commodity Rate Application
The Panel recommended that SaskEnergy decrease the price it charges its customers for natural gas (commodity rate) to $4.55 per gigajoule (17.25 cents per cubic metre), effective November 1, 2010.