The following information contains the Panel’s reports since its inception. The most recent reviews contain all the files and information the Panel used in reaching its recommendations. Older reviews only contain the Panel’s report. Summaries of each report are provided to assist on quickly finding information on rate revisions.

SaskPower 2010 Rate Application
The Panel recommended that the rate SaskPower charges its customers for electricity increase by 4.5%, effective August 1, 2010. This is down from the 7% increase proposed by SaskPower.
SaskPower 2009 Rate Application
The Panel recommended that the rate SaskPower charges its customers for electricity increase by 8.5%, effective June 1, 2009. This is down from the 13% increase proposed by SaskPower. The Panel also recommended that the maximum rate increase cap of 15% be maintained.
SaskPower 2006 Rate Application
The Panel recommended that the rate SaskPower charges its customers for electricity increase by 4.3%, effective February 1, 2007. The Panel also recommended that the increase apply to resellers. The Panel also recommended that the maximum rate increase cap of 15% be maintained.
SaskPower 2005 Rate Application
The Panel recommended that the rate SaskPower charges its customers for electricity increase by 4.9%. The Panel also identified matters it would like to see addressed in the future.
SaskPower 2004 Rate Application
The Panel recommended that the rate SaskPower charges its customers for electricity increase by 6%, effective September 1, 2004. This is down from the 9% increase proposed by SaskPower. The Panel denied a 1.8% rate increase requested by SaskPower, effective September 1, 2005, stating a 9% weighted average increase would create rate shock that is not necessary.
SaskPower 2001 Rate Application
The Panel recommended a set of rate changes that will generate a 4.54% revenue increase (5.73% excluding contracts) sufficient to generate $47 million in increased revenue for 2002, effective January 1, 2002. The Panel also recommended the maximum increase for an individual customer be capped at 13 percent.
SaskPower 2000 Rate Application
The Panel recommended that any increases in the rate SaskPower charges its customers for electricity be limited to 2%, effective April 1, 2000. It further recommended that some re-balancing should occur, and that the maximum rate increase for certain customers and classes of customers should be capped.