The following information contains the Panel’s reports since its inception. The most recent reviews contain all the files and information the Panel used in reaching its recommendations. Older reviews only contain the Panel’s report. Summaries of each report are provided to assist on quickly finding information on rate revisions.

SGI Auto Fund 2007 Rate Application
The Panel recommended that the rate SGI charges its customers for car insurance premiums be reduced by 7.1%, effective July 1, 2007, an increase in reduction from the 5% proposed by SGI. The panel further recommended that rate rebalancing continue through a series of regular, annual applications by SGI until rates are aligned more fully with relevant indicators.
SGI Auto Fund 2000 Rate Application
The Panel recommended against the 2% increase in the rate SGI charges its customers for car insurance premiums requested by SGI. The Panel also recommended a cap on maximum increases for rate rebalancing between classes of vehicles.